‘No Doubt’ Ancient Mayan Book is Genuine, US based ‘Grolier Codex’ Researcher Tells me during our interview ..

Vin Sharma Journalism Clippings
4 min readJun 15, 2019
The authenticity of the Grolier Codex doscovery has been questioned for over 50 years, and it has been analyzed by experts throughout this time to see if it may in fact be the world’s oldest book ever discovered.

Reversals in science can be commonplace and by the very nature of the research, where evidential aspects of a study combine with theoretical explanations, it can also be encouraged. But when it comes to the 900-year-old Grolier Codex, it’s a big deal for archaeology worldwide that such a significant reversal has been made so confidently.

The authenticity of the Grolier Codex has now been disputed for over four decades since it surfaced in 1971. It got named after the book lovers’ Grolier club, where it was first displayed by revered US-based archaeologist Michael Coe, and it is said to be a 900-year-old Mayan astronomy guide.

Coe has been speaking about, and has also written about the questionable history of a book that, if truly authentic as is currently claimed, would make it the oldest known book written in the Americas.

A young deity, probably male but possibly female, is bedecked with an elaborate reptilian headdress and wears a tubular plug through the ear lobe. (R) God K, attired as a Toltec warrior.

Michael Coe himself, alongside a team of other researchers, including Brown University’s social scientist and Mayanist scholar Stephen Houston, who after intensive reevaluation of the Mayan text, are now declaring it as…



Vin Sharma Journalism Clippings

Editorial Writer clippings of @vinsharma e: vin.sharma80@gmail.com “It is human nature to instinctively rebel at obscurity and ordinariness.” Taylor Caldwell.